Friday, January 13, 2012

My Wonderful, Sweet, Thoughtful Husband

I know most of my posts are all about Tripp, but today, it's all about Allen.  Look what I got in the mail this week....wait for it....are you ready?????

I have wanted these pillows for about, oh, two years, now. I know it's crazy. I do. I don't usually obsess over things like this. But I must confess, I got a little misty-eyed when I opened the package and saw not one, but two lovely pillow covers! Allen bought them for me for Christmas and the funny thing is I don't have a sofa to put them on! I sold our couch and loveseat combo around Thanksgiving and we still haven't found anything that we can both agree on.  I would really like a small, light colored sectional with clean lines. Our living room is small and I don't want anything bulky; unlike Allen, who has his eye on a brown monstrosity that would take up the entire space.

This is what I'm envisioning:

And I have a feeling this is what Allen is envisioning:

Shannon's Vision:

Allen's Vision:
See the difference? :-)

OK, OK, so I might be exaggerating just a little!  I will admit the sectional he picked out is super comfortable. I will give him credit for that.  And another thing I'll give him credit for (while I'm on the subject) is him giving me the best birthday present ever!  Did you all know I turned 30 on 11-11-11?  I did and I lived to tell about it. The build up was much worse than the actual day. The actual day was completely perfect, mainly because the careful planning of my (insert title... wonderful, sweet, thoughtful) husband.
He sent an email to family and a few friends asking everyone to send a note, card, or letter and write about a special memory or something about me they liked (thankfully, no one wrote about the qualities they didn't like!:-)).
It was hands down the best birthday present ever.  I read those cards and letters, cried about three rivers, and wondered how in the world a girl like me could end up being so blessed!  After I drank about a pot of coffee and had gone through my second box of Kleenex, Allen took me to lunch and then dropped me off at the spa, where I spent a whopping 6 hours!  It was fantastic and exactly how I wanted to spend my day.  It almost made me want to turn 30 again, and again, and again...

Thank you to Allen for making it the best birthday, to mom for keeping Tripp, and to all of you who sent cards.  It really meant so much to me!  I have the cards and letters near my desk and read them often.  But only if I have a full box of Kleenex near by. :-)

P.S. - He's also a pretty great dad

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