Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just to Clarify

I referred to myself as a tweaker in my previous post. 
Guess what I found out about "one who tweaks":

tweak (plural tweaks)
1.A sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch.
2.Trouble; distress.
3.A slight adjustment or modification.
4.(slang) A prostitute.

Who knew?!  Just so you know, I was definitely referring to definition number #3.  Although, Allen probably would argue that my "tweaking" causes him "definition #2".

Anyway, I've been on a major project finishing kick.  I have a HUGE project I want to tackle but am not allowing myself to even think about it until I've finished all the tiny ones.  So let's take a look at what I did this morning in Tripp's room.
 I really like this set-up.  Two reasons for moving the bed AWAY from the wall: He kept kicking the wall and getting dirty footprints all over it; have you ever tried to make up a bed that is up against the wall?  Well, then you know.  The bed had to be moved.  This was originally what I had envisioned but more along the lines of this: 

Maybe one day, but for now I'm working with what I have.  The main finished project is Tripp's toy chest.  It was originally Allen's and it was covered in orange fabric.  I recovered it this morning with red, white, & blue outdoor fabric.  The same fabric is above the window.
**warning**unfinished project
I'm really not sure what type of window treatment to do in here.  Any ideas?
 Tripp likes his hat wall.  I never know what role I get to play: cowboy, baseball player, firefighter, and there's also a coon skin cap somewhere in the mix.
 **warning**unfinished project

See those buoys on the top shelf?  I plan on turning two of them into lamps.  Similar to this one:

And one final unfinished project:
What do to above his bed?  I love that picture of him and am considering hanging it above the bed.  What do you think?

I also really want to order this euro sham from PB:
 (notice white pillow with nothing on it.  I think this would tie everything toegther....I do get paid this week...hmmmm)

 Some other ideas for above the bed:
 I can't get over that map wall!

 I have always loved this idea, but I'm afraid I'd find Tripp swinging from it like Tarzan.
 I saw this & thought about actually hanging flags on the wall but again, would Tripp leave them alone??

So what's your vote?
I'm sure Tripp could care less, but he certainly likes his closet nook:


Amanda said...

I love the picture of him above the bed! The maps are cool too of course. He has such a cute big boy room!

LB said...

I have no advice, but I love all of your ideas. And that closet is so cute. I finally figured out how to cover the lamp, so don't be afraid--you can do it. I used newspaper to make the pattern, and I made the pattern by actually wrapping the lamp in newspaper--none of this rolling the lamp on paper stuff.

Grandneighbor JuJu said...

Tripp must bee very happy to have a soft place to lay his head in a sweet little hideaway that his Momma created for him.

shannon said...

Julie - you never know what room has been turned upside down when you com over, do you!?!?!